Member states gathered in Geneva to work out how to continue negotiations about an accord after missing this month’s deadline ...
The world is unprepared for another health crisis like COVID-19, a leading global health expert has warned, as countries make ...
GENEVA: The World Health Organization annual assembly on Saturday gave member countries another year to agree on a landmark ...
Talks aimed at reaching a global agreement on how to better fight pandemics will be concluded by 2025 or earlier if possible, ...
Health officials are meeting to try to wrap up negotiations on a pandemic response treaty and updates to existing ...
They think it’s all over, but it’s not quite. Representatives of the 194 member states of the World Health Organization will ...
Talks aimed at reaching a global agreement on how to better fight pandemics will be concluded by 2025 or earlier if possible, the Geneva-based World Health Organization (WHO) said on Saturday.
After the COVID-19 pandemic, the international community agreed it needed new systems to strengthen prevention, preparedness ...
Negotiations of a World Health Organization (WHO) global pandemic accord need a “reset” after member states failed to meet the 24 May deadline, a panel of experts monitoring the talks has said. The ...
Nakhumicha said country is hopeful the negotiations will build consensus and bring about coordinated global responses ...